Jesse Darling

Jesse Darling is an artist based in London and Berlin working in sculpture, installation, text, sound and ‘dasein by design’. In an ongoing project to denaturalize the theological ecosystem of capitalist modernity as “an arbitrary, violent fairytale,” Darling's work and research considers the social, physical and narrative body as a site where architectural, [bio]political and social structures manifest and become transformed. Recent projects include solo exhibitions Armes Blanches: History is Other People at Sultana Galerie in Paris (2017) and The Great Near at Arcadia Missa, London, as well as duo exhibition Atrophilia with Phoebe Collings-James at Company Gallery, New York. Other projects include a collaborative study week on ritual and practice devised for Wysing Arts Centre, performance exhibition 'Let Them Eat Cake/May One Without Hunger Lift the First Knife' (in collaboration with Raju Rage at Block Universe Festival, UK), and the sound performance NTGNE for Serpentine Park Nights in 2015.
