Alberta Whittle

Alberta Whittle lives and works in Glasgow. Her work encompasses drawing, digital collage, film and video installation, sculpture, performance and writing. Whittle’s practice prioritises questions of self-care and compassion, while considering the historic legacies and contemporary expressions of anti-blackness, colonialism and migration. She often utilises archival materials and found footage in her work, which is frequently produced in collaboration with a network of artists, choreographers and performers, whom she terms her accomplices.

Whittle received her MFA from Glasgow School of Art in 2011. She is currently a PhD candidate at Edinburgh College of Art. In 2020, the artist was the recipient of a Turner Bursary, the Frieze Artist Award, and a Henry Moore Foundation Artist Award, while her work was selected for Liverpool Biennial and Art Night London. She was the 2018/19 recipient of The Margaret Tait Award. Her extensive range of solo and group shows include the 13th Havana Biennial, Cuba (2019), GoMA, Glasgow (2019), City Arts Centre, Edinburgh (2019), The Showroom, London (2018), National Art Gallery of the Bahamas (2018), RAW Material, Dakar (2018), FADA Gallery, Johannesburg (2018), the Apartheid Museum, Johannesburg (2017), the Johannesburg Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale, Venice (2015), and BOZAR, Brussels (2014).

Text Courtesy of National Galleries Scotland